Jul 24, 2006 22:01
I'm thinking of dropping AP English. My dad is enouraging (discouraging?lol) me to drop it. It's stressing me out, and I'm trying very hard to get back on my feet these days. Yup. I choose happiness.
I didn't do the essay for Capote, so I'm already failing the class. I was pretty disappointed with myself for a while, but now I'm kind of over it. I'm kind of tired of doing things that don't make me happy. Such as trying to read Dombey and Son. It's 830 pages long. C'MON woman. *Ms. Connors, C'mon face* I know Mrs. Ryan is supposed to be a good teacher, but this is not cool... Besaw probably recommended it. In the newspaper article it was mentioned that his favorite book is Tale of Two Cities. I have a feeling that Dombey and Son was his retirement gift to us APers.
My dad's right about one thing- this is summer. It's meant to be enjoyed. The guidance counselors said we're supposed to be having college interviews. Good God. Mr. Skenyon (aka Jesus) said we're supposed to be working on college essays.
Sometimes I wish I was in middle school again, up in my room all day, reading Harry Potter. ... Then outside swimming in the pool. Then playing Nintendo with my sister.
And then I wish I was a Freshman. I remember walking through the halls the second week of school, and I got lost and cried. I'll never forget gym class with Becca Winslow, Maggie Cross, and Britney Sullivan, sophomore year.
I've been doing the whole thinking-about-what-I-want-to-do-with-my-life thing. Acting? Directing? Lawyer? Teacher? Whore?
Dear Future self,
Don't have kids.
Present Self.
Dear Present Self,
Go to New York City. Fall in love. Be fearless.
I want to go to Rose Hill. I want to study and meet people and go on adventures.
This entry was dull. I think the Dickens essay is due this Saturday. Huh. Maybe I'll bs it. Or I'll go to Barnes and Noble and exchange the books for the Level 1 books. Maybe if I'm really bored tomorrow I'll begin writing the essay. Wow I dissapoint myself. You know what? I don't know what I want.
I know what I need to do. I need to make a list of all the stuff I need to do from now until the end of the summer. Ok ready set - tomorrow. I've set the date. I feel very accomplished. Haha.