Feb 03, 2008 12:07
Ryou - are you okay?
I don't know what to do. He's working himself to death. I know that those at the club are hazing him but he just pushes it aside as something that happens to everyone. He won't talk to me about it. I mention living together and he skirts around the issue. I don't know what to do...
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*sighs* Fine, I'll just let him do what he feels is best. I can't do anything else.
Speaking as a counselor, I'm advising you to once again, wait. Too much pestering and he's going to retaliate, and you don't want that to affect your relationship. Unless there's any sort of sign of physical abuse or mental trauma, wait.
Speaking as a friend-I've been in Ryou's situation more times than I can count. When something is a problem, I try all avenues before calling someone in to help. Yes, people do see my condition deteriorate-but the more people ask what's wrong (yes, this includes my boyfriend), the angrier I get. I work on my own schedule when it comes to admitting problems; I have a very strong feeling that Ryou does the same.
Even though you wouldn't think it was a sign of weakness if he admitted he's having a tough time and needed some help, Ryou will. When he sorts out his personal demons, he'll come to you-and probably love you all the more for not pushing the issue.
...And that went on much longer than I expected. Good luck, Koujirou.
I'll give him space and time even though my heart is breaking. Of course that doesn't matter
Thanks for listening, Yukimura-san.
Yes, Koujirou, it hurts, it sucks, and it feels like everything is going to fall and break.
Have you thought that maybe he's skirting around the issue of living with you not because he doesn't want to, but because everything else hurts too much right now?
Ryou loves you. You know that, I know that, the entire world knows that. This isn't a matter of Ryou not trusting you, or wanting to break it off, or anything like that.
It's the issue of feeling like a burden. None of us can stand to watch the ones we love get hurt, and obviously I'm not saying just to kick back and let Ryou get beaten up.
...You know what, I'm not going to elaborate. My kouhai is missing, I have a rather short temper right now, and I'm heading to the bathroom to puke up a week's worth of medication and supplements. If I keep going, I'll be more of an ass than I already am.
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