May 25, 2007 23:17

Who: Kyouya and Haruhi
What: Kyouya proceeds to embarrass Haruhi and then break her poor little formerly-oblivious heart. DDDD: (I blame Kimbley for being a bad influence >.>)
Where: Ouran High School Third Music Room
When: Today after a Host Club meeting that poor Haruhi and Kyouya had to host ALL BY THEIR LONESOMES
Why: Because THEY NEEDED SOMETHING TO DO. And Kyouya is an evil evil EVIL little boy. DDD:

The music room is empty save for a few giggles and shouts outside beyond the large mahogany doors. Kyouya leans back in his seat, the twins had been gone for quite a while now and Tamaki had just taken off earlier to attend to some sort of business. Kyouya had not paid attention then, but it does not quite matter now.

Haruhi carries a few teacups and cake plates over to the tray she was gathering the dirty dishes on. She'd been disappointed to see Tamaki leave, but hadn't said a thing about it since the twins weren't there; besides, it wasn't as if he had any reason to necessarily stay. She sighs as she deposits the dishes and lets her hand slide into her pocket where the handkerchief she thought she'd lost was folded up. "It was a good day with only the two of us, don't you think, senpai?" she asks, coming back to her senses.

"The number of our designators had fallen, but it was a good day none-the-less. Good work today, Haruhi," Kyouya pushes up his glasses before offering the said girl a smile, the tip of his fountain pen just hovers above paper. After a moment of silence, resumes writing down a detailed report of what had happened at the Host Club today and graphic the amount of customers that had visited. "You look slightly down," he says conversationally as he taps at his calculator. On the monitor of his laptop is a 3D maze that would seem to entice perhaps those who would look his way. "What is wrong?"

Haruhi blinks up at him and just smiles, trying to cover up what was apparently obvious. "Nothing's wrong, senpai," she says, going back to gathering dishes. "I'm just a little tired."

Kyouya looks up from his work and gives Haruhi an unconvinced look but doesn't say anymore other than a "Don't let it affect your work, Haruhi," in a light tone. It may mean something more, but he does not mention it. "Can you do something for me?"

Haruhi blushes as she sees that Kyouya saw right past it anyway, but she just nods -- of course she wouldn't let it affect her work, and hadn't yet so there was nothing to worry about there. She really smiles when he asks her to do something since he knows very well that she could (and wouldn't anyway) refuse. "Of course. What is it?"

"Will you read this letter out for me?" Kyouya hands her a sheet of paper, easily hiding a smirk behind the tea cup he had picked up. He does not mention that the tea had gone cold quite a while ago, dark eyes observing Haruhi with an easy smile as he pushes himself away from his work.

Haruhi is a little surprised by the request since it seems so simple, but knowing Kyouya it was probably deceptively so. Nevertheless, she takes the paper with a nod and a shrug and starts reading, "Tamaki-senpai," she begins, "I like you." And then she stops. She looks back down at Kyouya surprised and just a little bit worried. "Senpai . . . ?"

Kyouya nods, sipping his cold tea. "Very good, Haruhi. Now the next line." He tries hard not the smirk and so far is had been successful.

Haruhi is a little speechless, wondering why Kyouya is making her read this . . . love letter that he'd apparently written to Tamaki. She continues, though, because there must be a reason behind it, even though she may not know what it is. "Ever since the first time I saw you, I thought you were an annoying, hyper ball of fur. My thoughts still haven't changed, just mixed with other feelings now other than irritation . . . "

Kyouya nods, setting the mug down and tapping his fingers on the table. "Excellent. Do continue-- I'll promise a cut in your debt." Kyouya's voice is hinted with amusement now, gazing at Haruhi with a rather warm gaze.

With that sort of promise, how can Haruhi refuse? "Because of all these feelings, I began to like you. And . . . just . . . I hope you will accept this, Tamaki-senpai." That was it, the last line and Haruhi stands there just looking down at the paper and trying to make sense of this. "Senpai," she says finally, blushing a bit, "Tamaki-senpai isn't your senpai."

Kyouya taps at his laptop with a smile. A smile too sweet to belong on the cool features of an Ootori. "Of course. It's not my letter."

Well that at least made more sense and Haruhi is relieved to hear that, but she is still confused and asks, "So whose letter is it?"

"Yours." Kyouya replies, head propped against his hand as he leans on the table, adjusting the volume to his laptop. "I think this will be a great gift for Tamaki."

And now it all makes sense. Haruhi's eyes widen and her cheeks turn deep red as she stares at her schoolmate. This could not be happening. First Hikaru and Kaoru had decided that they were going to help her confront Tamaki, and now Kyouya is all but forcing her to. She doesn't realize it as her hands clench on the letter, crumpling the edges of it. "Senpai," she says warily, "you're not really going to . . . "

Kyouya plays the clip. "You know, I personally think that such a thing should be said in person, Haruhi. It's been a while as I've observed you two.. it's painfully obvious to the point that it may be disturbing. Do excuse my step-in on this, but I do think that you both need a push," he smirks, eyes alight with a gleam. "After all, Haruhi, You can't wait like that forever... someone like him may be kidnapped by another easily."

Haruhi sits down hard on one of the nearby chairs as she listens to herself confess her feelings to Tamaki, her face flaming red. When it finally stops, she looks down in her lap to see the letter crumpled there and she quickly stretches it out on her leg, trying to flatten it and says hesitantly, "I know that, senpai. He's very popular."

"What are you going to do then?" Kyouya's voice is kept light now, pushes up his glasses as he peers at Haruhi with a curious gaze.

Haruhi reads over the words on the paper again, slowly and imagines saying them to Tamaki. "I don't know," she answers, not really liking how the scene in her head played out. "Hikaru and Kaoru think I need to tell him . . . "

Kyouya tucks a pen cap between his lips, lazily gazing at Haruhi now, a habit he had picked up from Kimbley. "... Well," he begins slowly, tugging the cap from his lips now, swerving in his chair. "I don't see him going steady with Kaidoh Kaoru anytime soon-- to tell you honestly, Haruhi."

Kaidoh Kaoru? Why would he be going steady with Kaidoh Kaoru? Haruhi knows the name from online and is fairly sure she knows who he is, but it takes a few long moments before she's able to come to the conclusion Kyouya obviously knows she's going to. Her eyes widen at the realization and her stomach clenches up painfully; she had been expecting something like this to happen or to at least come up if she didn't say anything, but she had never imagined that it would hurt so badly. "I have to finish cleaning up," she says, standing up quickly and letting the letter fall to the ground as she hurries off to finish her duties. She wonders if Hikaru and Kaoru know about this, but she's sure that, if they did then they would have told her.

Kyouya hums. It seems as if she didn't know, he says to himself. Well, that's too bad, really. Haruhi will have to decide for herself what is the best for her. Obviously, she has never experienced those long rants Tamaki hurls at him about Haruhi-- though is it quite obvious that the idiot of a blond had feelings for her as much as he calls her a daughter. He peers after Haruhi's lean form, returning to his graphing. Really, they should learn how to take care of themselves-- he's not going to be there to clean up after them forever.
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