[Aya's in her room, working furiously at her computer terminal. She's reviewing the combat reports from the last few encounters with the Silentium, as well as re-watching the data from that last battle with the Aerogaters.]
Without the R-series, there's really not much we can do, huh...
[Something sparks behind her eyes, and she begins typing furiously.]
I may not know too much about development, but these kind of modifications can't be too hard to implement!
R-Blade custom:
By importing the T-link system from the wrecked R-1, and strengthening the arms (which need to be repaired anyway), a non-variable R-1 substitute can be made from the R-blade. It should be able to T-Link Knuckle and T-link Sword, since the power behind them is generated by Ryuusei's mind. He might even figure out some way to power up the tonfas this way...
Huckbien Ballistics pack:
The Hi-Zol Launchers from the R-2 are still intact, but in case they're still not enough, add in two Graviton Cannons. This remote pack would contain its own thrusters and generator, launch from whatever battleship is around, linking with a Huckbien-M. With the Hi-Zol launchers sticking out over the shoulders, and the Graviton Rifles under the arms, it would allow the mass-produced mech to be able to put out damage nearly on par with the Freedom or 00.
Wildraubiter Type-S:
The Wildfalken-L's Oshtan rifle still happens to be in our weapons database, and I was thinking it could replace the Wildraubiter's Hyper Beam Rifle. It wouldn't be too hard to implement in TK Missiles for the usual missile stock, either. And finally, the implementation of several T-Link Rippers to daunt the enemy.
All of this wouldn't be too hard to implement, would it?
[She sends her ideas to Ryuusei, Raidiese, and the R&D department.]