I made an Icon!

Jan 17, 2006 16:17

In other news:
*Came back to school late Saturday after an uneventful (thank goodness!) drive. Unpacking took two days (primarily because I'm lazy, and also because I threw away two trashbags of stuff I don't use anymore).
*When I drove up to the house, I couldn't help but notice that one gutter completely ripped off the side of the house and was swinging in the breeze, waving hello, swinging dangerously close to power lines and Liz's car. Later, Security came and tied the end of the gutter to the porch swing with security tape to keep it from swinging so far. This would be comforting to some degree if the other end was not wrenching and twisting and 90% ripped off of the house itself, which means in a strong wind it could easily fall over and smack a parked car, an innocent resident, or small children. So, if it rains again, we're really screwed, because our roof still rains inside and now we're missing a gutter. And the storm door ripped off a hinge too. W00t!
*Also when I got back, I got to meet Courtney's new roommate Erin, who is very cool.
*For my birthday, the K8 surprised me with a memory box- like two shadow boxes on a hinge- which I am devoting a lot of time to putting together, because it's fun.
*My hamster figured out how to break out of his most recent cage (HOW?????), so he is now residing in Art's old cage, which is working well so far *crosses fingers* *knocks on wood* When he escaped briefly, we found him waddling out from under a guitar case. He didn't even run. Just kind of ambled around the floor.
*Today, had classes- an 8:30 class about Art History ( I can tell you right now I'm going to fall asleep in there ), a 10:00 class about 17th century British Literature (ditto- esp. since I very nearly did today), an 11:30 on Theories of Personality, which I know I'm going to like, and 2:30 Fiction, which I also think will be fun.

TIme to eat.
naturally logging off.
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