Over the past 18 months or so, my cycle has evolved into this weird, emotional mess. I used to be able to describe my periods as, 2 painful ones, 1 moody one. I could deal with that, but it is getting to a point where I'm becoming almost completely irrational when I'm PMSing- I have irrational thoughts, cry all the time, and get depressed. When I am PMSing, I have pretty much been becoming a different person. The things that don't bother me during non-PMS times, become an absolute crisis when my hormones change. I'm sure there are other symptoms too, but that's a pretty good start. The worst bit of it all, is that I feel like I'm perfectly sane when I'm going through all of this, when later on I can say, 'wtf was I thinking!?'.
So it's really getting bad. And it's beyond the point where I need to do something about it. The symptoms are lasting about a week, sometimes more depending on how heavily my cycle hits.
I'd really rather not take HBC. I'm 27, have never taken it before, and am not really interested to try taking it now. My cycle is regular and predictable, typically falling between 28 and 33 days, so I've never really seen the need. I don't have easy periods, but I can deal with physical pain (usually I have 12-24 hours of intensive cramps and in the past year or so sometimes headaches with the start of my cycle). It's this emotional roller coaster MESS that is NOT tolerable. It doesn't even feel like ME. If HBC is the only thing that has helped others, or that it's the most successful solution people have found, I may need to go that route.
I'm just really at a loss, and struggling to find something to, well, maintain my sanity while I go through my cycle.
If the recommendation is strongly in the form that I should 'go see a doctor' I will. I'd rather turn to natural remedies first, and then do the doctor route. But if it's sounding like something is genuinely wrong and I'm just too blind to my situation to see it, I would appreciate a gentle whack over the head in the form of, 'professional help would be your best option'.
The other day I heard mention that there may be some natural remedies/dietary supplements that someone can take to help with the moodiness associated with PMS.
A quick google search revealed calcium, chaste tea berries, magnesium, and evening primrose. I'm looking for suggestions please, what works, what doesn't, what you've found that helps, absolutely any and all info would be appreciated!