Stomach issue

May 13, 2011 16:30

I've been diagnosed with chronic gastritis 2.5 years ago.My Doctor put me on 20 mg of Prilosec back then.Last year the dose was doubled.

6 months ago I wasn't feeling too bad,so I tried to stop the drugs.This did not work so well.I was only able to decrease the dose with drinks aloe drinkings,acupressure, and acupuncture.

2 months ago a dr told me to take a lot of an anti fungal drug(turned out later I didn't need it).So I went back up to the 40mg's of Prilosec.About a week of taking the drug my stomach started to kill at night.A burning in between my low ribs(not upper chest/heart burn),that leads to nausea.Not able to eat as much as i normally would.I have slightly heightened liver enzymes.The prilosec and acupuncture appear to have stopped working.I have been doing acupuncture for about 3 months now. The doctors can't figure out answers to any of this.I don't know where to turn.Is there any other stomach issue support groups on LJ?

I'm not sure what to do about this.I think I'm running out of natural remedies.I wonder about trying more aloe?But what is too much aloe? Please do not suggest ginger or peppermint.They only make my issue worse.

alternative medicine, recommendations, advice, acupuncture, digestive health, remedies, illness/disease, side effects

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