So this isn't what you asked buuut... you said you don't want to leave the comfort of menstrual products, but I just feel compelled to tell you how freaking amazing my Diva Cup has been. Like, it's incredibly comfortable, no leaks--ever!, can leave it in 12 hours at a time, is incredibly clean (unlike icky tampon strings), stands up to really high activity things like marathon running, and well, it's 100% been life-changing. AND i've been using it 2 years and in that time it's saved me around $200 in tampons. Whether it's "natural" or not is a complete side-point for me, since it's so amazing of an option.
Not trying to persuade you to change something you don't want to change--at all! But I just wanted to tell you how fabulous some "alternative" things can be. Menstrual cups totally rock.
That does sound really incredible... My only worry is that tampons sometimes make me physically uncomfortable. But, you know, I will give it a try because you're not the first person to tell me how amazing they are. If I waste twenty dollars, I waste twenty dollars. I'll have to get it after my next paycheck. :D
There's a community on LJ called menstrual_cups... you should check it out! Lots of info. (Also, my cup doesn't feel anything like tampons to me, really. It doesn't go in as far so I don't get the weird back pains and back cramps that I do from tampons, and it's not as drying. But, ymmv! :)
Yes, definitely check out the lj community! In particular, this post that talks about all the different cups that are available. I started with a diva cup because it is the most readily available, and I liked it a lot. But it is really too long for me, and when I switched to a ladycup, I was blown away! The divacup was better than tampons or pads, but the lady cup is worlds better (for my anatomy) than the divacup! It has really been a revolution for me. And saves so much money!
I have never been brave enough to try cups because I find tampons downright painful at the best of times. Personally, though, I have fallen in love with Sea Pearls. They are tampons made of sea sponges. You can order them online and sometimes find them in local "hippie" stores - our local hippie store carries them for more than I could order them for, but less than order price + shipping - and it's a little family-owned local business, so yay. They don't have a "spine" and a "shape" like tampons do, they compress and stretch in every direction possible, you dampen them before you put them in so no dryness or scratching, they're super absorbent, they are natural sea sponges, the way they are harvested causes the sponges to reproduce themselves (so not depleting the resource), they last for months (I tend to use the same set for a year or so, though they recommend changing every 6 months or so), they can be composted when you are done using them... They are made of win, all the way around.
Personally I find tampons extremely uncomfortable too, but my cup is great! So it might be worth giving it a try, so long as you're in a place where saying, "You know, this isn't for me" won't cause too much monetary hardship. :)
ha I was going to come here and say this too! The Diva cup is a 10000000000 times more comfortable(once you get the hang of it) then sticking a dry tampon up there.
Not trying to persuade you to change something you don't want to change--at all! But I just wanted to tell you how fabulous some "alternative" things can be. Menstrual cups totally rock.
Good luck with your soap search :)
(Also, my cup doesn't feel anything like tampons to me, really. It doesn't go in as far so I don't get the weird back pains and back cramps that I do from tampons, and it's not as drying. But, ymmv! :)
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