Mar 29, 2010 15:18
I'm looking for as many sugar free, high protein meal and snack ideas as I can find. I am vegetarian, (mostly vegan, but I won't be picky right now). Foods that work well as breakfast are great. Things that are easy to prepare, or can be easily transported and reheated would be superb.
Different ways to eat beans?
Sugar from fruit is okay, but I'd like to keep that at a minimum as well.
I've tried to eliminate sweets from my diet before, but have always fallen off the wagon before I saw any real improvements, I also think I ran out of ideas and substituted with too many seemingly healthy sugars- fruit, dried fruit, agave nectar, etc..
Also, a long time ago, I saw someone on here mention a supplement that reduced sugar cravings. Does anyone know what this is or have any experience with it?