Feb 25, 2010 13:11
So that everyone doesn't have to read the whole thing, I've made a list of the suggestions people made on the deodorant question. Thank you for replying.
-Bliss Soap Deodorant "Clean Cotton" - lasts like a year, worth the price.
-Aubrey's Calendula w/ calamine drying powder. (Really?)
-Certain Dri
-Funk Butter
-NOW Deodorant Stick
-LUSH T'eo
-Pit Putty
Votes for unnatural/semi-unnatural:
-Arm & Hammer, has triclosan but it works.
-Just get a clinical strength deodorant.
-Just wear regular deodorant when you'll be out or wearing nice clothes.
-Put on witch hazel/lavender oil mixture before deodorant.
-Use Shea Soap and don't use a lot of soap on your pits, suggestion.
-5 votes: Mix your own 2 pts baking SODA 3 pts corn starch, mix with coconut oil (or some variant of this recipe).