I love animals, and I love the idea of gradually producing more and more of our own food. We have an ordinary suburban plot of about 8,000 square feet. The house uses 1,400.
Gradually, we are devoting more and more land to food for our family. The experiment is still young, but it is deeply satisfying to cook with our own vegetables and fresh eggs from the five hens. Because it's an organic endeavor, I wage war against the bugs, but even that is amusing to me.
Other than gardening, which has so much potential for expansion, I am looking using other animals to contribute to our self-sustainability.
Here are some ideas/questions for different animals we can use:
-- In the past, I've posted asking people raising rabbits for meat, however I've since become a pescetarian. It might still be an option for my husband, who does like meat from time to time. Does anyone else raise meat rabbits? I was considering meat rabbits over meat fowl because they are easier to skin and clean, and they are also easier to raise from birth (no incubation equipment; plus, it is against code for me to have a rooster).
-- Someone suggested a small fish pond. This is such a cool idea! What kind of fish would be good for a small area but also tasty? I'm thinking I would probably feed them some kind of commercial feed. But is this even very healthy for the fish, since it isn't their natural feed?
-- Lately, I've been researching dairy goats. For the area of my property, I can legally have ONE goat. This would be challenging to the goat, since they are so social, but I have read that if I play with the goat enough and leave my dog to play with her too, she might not be too lonely. Come on, who else raises goats? I need A BUDDY! I am almost overwhelmed after reading about the specific dietary needs of goats. Whoever started the rumor they'll eat anything was the biggest, fattest liar. And what about the space I'll need to store all that hay and roughage? I have a garden shed which would give me space to build a feeding, resting, and separate milking space... But I would love to talk to someone who could tell me exactly how destructive these creatures are. Like, will they knock through windows and tear up wooden walls? I don't think it would be too much trouble to work with the ten month lactation periods, but, ahem... The kids. I 'm not legally allowed to have those, because of the code requirement for area (1/5000 ft^2). Would it be evil to hide the kid for a month or two and then slaughter it?
-- Are there any other small animals I haven't thought of that can contribute to our efforts to be self-sustaining? Haha, I'm trying to train our Saint Bernard to pull my garden cart. Our four cats hunt mice near the chicken feed. The finches do nothing, as far as I know. Can I eat finch eggs?? Who has done this? For me, the finches are an anti-depressant, because I get so much enjoyment from watching them. Oh, I can use their droppings as fertilizer, right?
I'm almost to the point that I want to buy this empty field nearby and have it re-zoned... I have glorious visions of the entire neighborhood banding together and caring for a gorgeous flock of Nubian dairy goats, dancing kids, rowdy bucks. I know my co-op dream is a fantasy, but my idyllic vision includes neighbors all volunteering a few minutes a week to tend beds of bountiful gardens and rows of crops to feed the goats. Maybe there would be more chickens, and maybe turkeys too. The children in the neighborhood would learn the value of the soil, the land under their feet, the plants and animals, and they would praise God for the wondrous things he has made. I return to my dream often. It isn't possible now, but until then, my work is cut out for me here at the house.
EDIT: Bees! Why didn't I think of that!
Thank you to everyone who offered advice on caring for my grandfather in an ecologically responsible way. He is doing very well here at the house, as much as can be expected for an 89-year-old with dementia. But, he has his dignity and happiness, and my husband and I are staying sane by hiring a maid part-time and having other family come over to give us time out. It is going well :-)
I also wanted to share a beautiful photo of my toddler son nursing, both of us half sleeping... Nursing is so wonderful. I MYSELF am a producer of food for my little baby!