Mar 14, 2009 09:21
So, I just went to make myself breakfast. Cereal into bowl. I start pouring the milk on.
*bloop* *bloop*
"Oh God!! MILKS OFF!" Lucky today is shopping day and milk was on the list, but damn I wanted cereal.
Then I investigate further. It doesn't smell bad. Off milk has a STINK to it that this doesn't have. The milk has gone yoghurty, separated into curds and whey. I tentatitively taste a bit, it tastes like cream, not off milk!
So, people. Has this milk (pasturised, full cream milk - the use by date is 18 March, it's been open about 5 days) actually gone off? Or is it still usable? And the pertinent question, if it's still usable, what can I use it for??
P.S. I had to content myself with Marmite on toast for breakfast.