DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON A BURN! Aloe wont kill you but don't put any ointmint or oils or anything like that. They dont allow your skin to breathe and can trap nasties. Cold water only keep uncovered!
you're correct and incorrect. Its not burning in the same sense as if you left your hand on a stove coil but the stinging is an indication of continued damage, hence the the putting under cold water to stop the damage, enough time under the cold water and the stinging should stop (and not because you're numb) but because the damage has stopped progressing.
The cool water is really the best thing. Sometimes, it takes 20 minutes or so of continuous soaking or keeping it under running water. But that will stop the sting. Which really sucks when you have to keep getting in an oven!
The stinging is your body reacting to the damage.
Not because it is still burning..
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