Don't know if we have any mother's here using this product, but if you haven't seen this announcement:
Company has stopped making it and FDA warns consumers not to use it as it has apparently made several infants very ill. The ingredients in question are : chlorphenesin and phenoxyethanol
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From your press release
"Both chlorphenesin and phenoxyethanol are approved cosmetic preservatives and used extensively in many products. Our own ingredient experts have reviewed the FDA’s report as well as the related literature and found no basis for their concern."
What about the fact this product is used on nipples where an infant/child is nursing and then ingesting it? These preservatives are not approved for food preservatives, therefore why would you put them in a product to be used on nipples where an infant would likely ingest them? How is the FDA's position perplexing at all? If you want to use preservatives in your product, you should make sure they are safe for consumption considering an infant/child will likely be ingesting what's on mom's nipple.
Also, your web site is very misleading. If you are going to list the ingredients on a product, list ALL of them, not just the ones that sound good. A person purchasing that product (if they can find it now) will not likely read the ingredient list if they've visited your web site, and if they happen to, do you think seeing all that extra stuff you didn't disclose on your web site is going to make them want to BUY your product?
You need to be forthcoming with all your information. A good, reputable company would not list ONLY those ingredients that would make someone want to buy the product, they would list ALL of them. Can I trust your other product pages to list a complete ingredients for those products? Probably not.
Give 'em hell.
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