Apr 07, 2005 21:10
For those who have talked to me before, you probably already know that I suffer with chronic pain and have some problems with my joints, my back and my hips. Seeing a chiropractor regularly has really helped my problems with migraines, and reduced the severe spams in my back from almost daily to a few times a month. However, my hip seems to be getting a lot worse lately and I have no idea why. The pain is becoming unbearable, to the point where I've actually taken daily doses of Tylenol or IBprofun to take off enough of the edge so that I can fall asleep. Sitting, laying down, walking - nothing seems to make the pain any easier. My normal coping skills seem to be failing me in the face of this pain.
But for me, the worst part isn't the hurting as much as it's the fact that I'm beginning to really struggle with babywearing.
We own a stroller. It was given to us when my daughter was five or six months old, but we use it 95% of the time as a grocery cart. I only used it on VERY long walks, or when I was having a bad pain day. We do not own a car.
I also own an Ultimate Baby Wrap, an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder, a New Native, a Baby Trekker and a Nojo. Don't ever buy a Nojo.
I love the UBW the best, because of the way it distributes the weight across my entire body. It's wonderful. I bought it when she was one month old and I've used it on an almost daily basis since then. She's almost 20 months now, and I still wear her every day. Without these wonderful inventions, I would not be able to hold her for an extended period of time. The way weight is focused when you hold something heavy in your arms tends to pull at your back and shoulders, regardless of posture. If you are especially sensitive, or prone to spasms and pain - this is not good. I'm actually not permitted to lift anything over 10lbs... another reason these things save me.
They have been godsends, and any time anyone ever comments on them I often cite my own physical difficulties as proof of how valuable they are.
Which is why I'm feeling so awful.
Due to this recent increase in pain, and the fact that she's gained a lot of weight in the last two months and is now over 25lbs and almost 3ft tall - it hurts to wear her. Regardless of the wrap or sling. I know I'm not wearing her wrong, I've had to become a master at positoning to avoid my weak spots. I refuse to ever say the words "too big". We go for walks every day and now I find myself using the stroller more and more often when she doesn't want to walk with me. Although some may not understand, for me this is heartbreaking. I have literally cried after she handed me a sling when I said we were going for a walk.
I keep wondering if there's a miracle carrier out there I can find and buy that would fix this problem. I fear that even if I bring my pain back down to a managable level I will still struggle with wearing her. There's high praise for "The Kozy Karrier", but I need testimonials from moms with physical problems or pain management issues similar to my own to get an accurate review. That's a lot of money to shell out, particularly since I'm in Canada and the shipping and/or duty is usually a little crazy.
If anyone can relate, and even if you can't, I'd appreciate some kind words right now.
baby wearing