Out Of Thin Air (Chapter Fifteen) Things Just Keep Getting Better And Better

Apr 26, 2009 20:02

Good God, not again.

It was the absolute opposite of the first time, when my brain had shorted out. Now, I was 100 percent conscious, hyperaware of everything from the way he was wrapping his arms around me to the car alarm going off in the street.

Realizing that I actually had the power to stop this, I shoved him away. "What was that for?" I almost screamed.

At first he looked confused, and then hurt. Maybe that was what he deserved. Noticing he wasn't going to say anything, I continued. "Do you just go around randomly kissing every girl you want to do something for you? Honestly, I really don't think that's the best strategy!" My voice had risen an octave or three.

"I was this close," I motioned with my fingers, "to going with you. This close. I'll say, you really screwed yourself over on this one."

I noticed that I had stood up unthinkingly. My hands were clenched in fists, fingernails digging into my palms. I could only imagine what absolutely fuming expression was on my face right now.

"Look, I'm sorry," Aiden sighed. "It was an accident-"

"An accident? You just accidentally kissed me? That is the saddest excuse for an excuse I've ever heard. Ever." I had the sudden urge to push him out that window. Let's see how well that climbing gear works from a ten story freefall.

Aiden just sighed. Was it really that impossible to make him angry? I wanted him to hate me so he would just leave me alone for once. You would think that calling someone out like that would work, but no.

Just my luck.

"You know what?" I said coldly, "Maybe you should just leave me alone. I don't know why you're doing this or why you keep kissing me, but stop it. I don't care if you're in love with me," I shuddered at the word, "but I do not feel the same way about you. I hate you." My voice cracked as I ended my rant of terror.

Aiden looked like he was about to say something, but he didn't.

"So just go back to Oliver and tell him that I died in a train wreck or something. I don't care. Just never come back here again." I said through my teeth.

Aiden stood up, standing so close to me that I thought he would kiss me again. I braced myself, ready to smack him in the face if he did.

"I'm sorry," he said, so quietly I barely heard it. "I won't bother you again."

He walked slowly to the door, his shoulder brushing mine as he passed "Bye, Luna," he whispered. I might have just imagined it. He opened the door and walked out.

I waited until I heard the door shut, and the footsteps fade down the hallway. I flopped down on my bed and finally let the tears come. I had promised myself I wasn't going to cry in front of him again.

There's nothing like screaming in someone's face to really make you fall in love with a guy..

vwoosh, story

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