Title: Kaleidoscope
Characters: Teddy. Billy/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Some first times are perfect. Some aren’t.
Warnings/spoilers: No real spoilers mentioned. Deliberately vague timeline.
“Oh! Billyyyy-“ Teddy’s voice scales up to a desperate keening. Any other time and he would be embarrassed but tonight is special. Everything is so intense, so new, that he can forgive himself a few little embarrassments. They planned this, prepared for everything, and even researched so it could be the best first time possible for both of them. Teddy is glad for that; starting off was difficult enough as it was. But right now, right now makes up for any problems beforehand. He’s awash in a sea of wonderful sensation, his world fragmented into dozens of individual feelings dancing around like a kaleidoscope. It’s breathtaking.
There’s a light snowfall outside the window, flakes dancing on a light winter breeze and catching the light from the streetlamp on the street below. It’s beautiful and delicate and hard to look away from. The desk lamp, almost dim and romantic, is turned towards the other wall but the light is still enough for their shadows to slide back and forth over the wall, like silk on skin. Small patches of sweat bead on Billy’s skin, catching the light in a mesmerizing way and his hair sways against his face and neck with motion.
He can hear his own breathing harsh and uneven, mixed with gasps and moans. Billy’s voice rises and falls like the sea, accompanied by the bed protesting. The room is filled with slick, wet sounds of skin against damp skin. They would be obscene if they weren’t somehow heightening the atmosphere.
The room smells heavily of musky sex and the salt of sweat and Teddy can catch wisps of Billy’s shampoo, rich and warm. Over or maybe under or maybe through the rest is a faint fruity scent that tantalizes, name just beyond his grasp. It’s the lube, the thought makes him shiver and shake, and Teddy thinks vaguely it might have been strawberry.
He can taste Billy, all of his flavors, lingering in his mouth. Faint strains of chocolate flavors entwine with those, the remnants of triple chocolate cake they had for dessert.
But best and most immediate is touch. Billy’s skin sliding against his and the feel of the sheets clinging damply to his back. He can feel the headboard protest beneath his hands and the clench of muscles between his thighs. He can’t put words to the rest of that, other than motion and stabs of liquid heat. And then there’s Billy’s mouth, wet and desperate against his shoulder as Billy moans ragged pleas and praises into his skin.
His name is in there somewhere, broken and needy, and I want. “I want- Iwant-IwantIwantIwantIwant!”
Power crackles in the air, adding to everything else. The sensations coalesce and then shatter-Ohgodplease-yes-Billy-Billy!-and Teddy is distantly aware of Billy’s voice rising to match his own-
The headboard snaps into pieces with a resounding CRACK!