Second action; Snufkin tried his best.

Jul 09, 2010 00:40

[Well, he's not sure if he succeeded or not...
It's Friday night and he's sitting outside his house. A haphazard group of twenty bottles, glasses and the like are spread out in front of him filled with small amounts of vodka or rubbing alcohol mixed with water that he managed to pilfer from a bunch of generous people's houses. Taped on the side of each container is the word "Vat", and written messily in marker is "vodka".]

Well, I hope this works.

[He's not sure where to leave them, so he leaves them outside and sits there, watching and waiting for the overseers of the town to pick them up...or something.]

I could really use a smoke right now...

!event: milk drinks you, action post, mayfield

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