First, the part everyone will care about:
Is amazing. I saw it this weekend with
lovediamond and it is amazing. I now understand why some critics were calling it a children's film, is a children's film. It's My Neighbor Totoro at a runtime of 100 minutes. The art is stunning. Miyazaki went back to a simpler, hand-drawn look which was perfect for the material and beautiful in its form and color palette. The characters are, of course, all lovable. There are no "bad guys" in this film, just people with different motivations, which is how the Real World functions so I appreciated that. (Also, Lisa: worst driver ever...or BEST?)
The film's weaknesses are in its storytelling, unfortunately. First, there are some issues with what exactly is driving the plot. The Dilemma faced by the characters seems rather manufactured, and isn't properly explained at all, leaving the viewer to wonder what exactly the hell is going on for the last third of the film. Second, this--coupled with the fact that you know nothing Horrible is going to happen to anybody--leaves the film distinctly lacking in dramatic tension. That everything will end happily is absolutely a foregone conclusion, and while the ride you're taken on is nice, the climax doesn't feel like one.
Still, for its flaws, the film is still super enjoyable and possibly the most adorable thing I've ever seen (perhaps even more adorable that Chi's Sweet Home--THERE, I SAID IT). See it, buy the DVD, relive childhood and wonder how the man captures it all so perfectly.
In conclusion, HAAAAAAAAAAAAM. And Sosuke. :D
Second, the part no one will care about:
::dies and goes to Star Trek heaven::
Okay, so anybody who owns the first CD they issued will know that it was super muddy and "80s sounding", with a good third of the film's score missing, but this... THIS. This is auditory bliss. They dug up all of the old masters and remixed the tracks. Everything sounds so clean. You can hear instruments on this recording that you only kinda guessed were there before. And they added in that third of the score that was missing from the first issue. The Amazing Grace sequence, Spock's death, the Regula I music, everything. It's AMAZING. Also, just to sweeten the deal, it comes with extensive liner notes on each track and old interview notes as well.
If you loved this movie, buy the new edition of the soundtrack. BUY IT NOW. You won't be disappointed.