Apr 18, 2011 05:34
So I didn't get much computer time this weekend, so my blog was delayed.
I am updating really quick as I drink my 4 glasses of water, just so I can keep the entries separate and avoid combining days in one post.
Again, I had improved on this DVD the 2nd time around, but didn't get to go all hardcore on it because Danielle decided to do the DVD with me on the smaller stability ball. That was cool and all, but she did get in my way a little, so i had to hold back a bit. I spent a lot of time maneuvering around her and making sure she didn't kick me in the face since she was flailing around quite a bit :P lol.
She did okay. She is markedly out of shape, but she tried really hard and went through the whole thing with only a couple of breaks. There was a point where she was sort of in plank on the ball and I told her, the guy in the video doing the moves without the ball was there to show you the easier way to do it if the ball is too hard at first. She says "I don't wanna do it the easy way. If I don't do it the hard way I won't get ripped." LOL.
So that was fun. Yesterday she was complaining all day about how much her abs hurt. She chalked it up to stomach pains and just complained all day about how every time she gets up or stretches or sits down her stomach hurt really bad. It's interesting to hear about DOMS from a kid :) But I know it's good for her.
So, ya. Sunday, Day 10, was my day of rest, and it was a relief not to have to think about working out. A bad habit I'm in is to do the workouts on the days I don't have school pretty late in the day or at night. So it's on my mind forever until i get it done and the later it gets I start stressing about not being able to fit it in or missing it altogether. I have been good so far, but I know 90 days is a long time, and eventually, I will mess up. I just can't force myself to get up at 5am on my "days off," you know? :P I worked up a bit of a sweat cleaning though, so I did a teensy bit of cardio :) lol
OK. Time to get to today's workout. Stay tuned for post 4/18/11 Part 2. :D