Fannish not-Friday 5

Jan 07, 2012 16:45

Originally posted by iceshade at Fannish not-Friday 5

5 characters or couples you wish could have gotten a happy/happier ending.

1. Zoe/Wash and Mal/Inara from Firefly- ALL THE FEELINGS on both of these pairings, but especially Zoe/Wash = favorite television married couple EVER.

2. Jake from Animorphs- guy sacrifices everything to save the world and doesn't get any ensueing happiness out of it. Can't we all just agree to give him hugs?

3. Spike and Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the comics do not exist, my canon stops at the end of BtVS and Angel)

4. Walter Blythe and Uma Meredith from the Anne of Green Gables series

5. Richie Ryan (/and Duncan MacLeod's bromance) in the television show Highlander.

fandom: highlander, fandom: animorphs, fandom: firefly, character: jake, fandom: anne of green gables, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer

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