Meme mash-up

Nov 08, 2011 18:50

Evidently two versions of this are going around on the interwebs, and I got myself snagged on two. ;)

badboy_fangirl had the following up on her journal

1. Reply to this post with "SOMETHING WITTY HERE," and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

and tagged these icons of mine:

1. WHALES. Seriously, who doesn't love whales? Also, this icon connects to an inside joke of sorts at the animorphs comm, and occasionally needs to be whipped out. ;)
2. A) Have loved Star Wars for most of my life, B) I actually do occasionally say/text this phrase outside of lj ergo it is humorous, and C) it's a literal lolz-y smash up of two things that shouldn't go together... But they do.
3. I have a thing for shoe icons-- and the pop of red against the white ruffles is hot.
4. LOVE BLUE. (Obviously.) Actually had the banner that goes with this icon up as part of my lj layout for awhile before I was compelled to have a autumn theme instead.
5. It's from Firefly, a show that I hadn't seen until my guy introduced it to me earlier this year and was a gapping hole missing from my televison life. Seriously, the fact that this show only had one season of awesome is *shameful*. Quote in the icon is from another character mocking the new-to-the-crew doctor, and is one of the first icons I found when I went searching for Firefly icons. :)


redbrunja had the alternative of

1. Reply to this post with "I WANT A BAD ROMANCE," and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

and picked these four icons of mine:

1. First thing I noticed about this icon when I was searching for more stock is that it's pretty but kind of in a wistful, windblown kind of way which automatically made my fandom-mind think of my girl Rachel from animorphs and I couldn't NOT get it after that.
2. Yum, summer drinks. ♥ ♥ ♥
3. Fairly sure I saw someone with this icon somewhere random once, so of course I had to track it down and steal it's snark for myself. -_^
4. It's Xena and Calisto = incredibly awesome 1990's flashback to the first "adult" show I snuck around my very conservative-television selection'd mother to watch when no one else is home. Lord knows I didn't get half the themes/subtext back then, but I adored the women in leather kicking ass and taking names.

If you feel the icon-lovage and wish to participate, either tell me to give you a BAD ROMANCE or SOMETHING WITTY. :D

meme, icons

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