Oct 03, 2009 13:50
All the votes aren't in, but the decision has been clear for hours. We will get the 28th Amendment to the Irish Constitution and agree to the Lisbon Treaty. I don't think either side covered themselves in any sort of glory, at all, but I firmly believe that the right decision has been made.
So, what happens next? Hopefully the last two countries will sign the Treaty and we can get on with this European project.
On a National level, Ganley and Cóir can crawl back under their rocks. FF cannot be allowed to take this Yes vote as any kind of endorsement of them or their partners in Government. The majority of the country still wants them out and gone. This *may* give the Greens the impetus to really play hardball during the Programme for Government negotiations, but I'll believe that when I see it.
I still want an election soon, now that Lisbon is out of the way. I want to see the Opposition start to get the boot in and I want to spend a day listening to a General Election count soon, but I sadly think the current lot will hold on desperately for a while longer.