How could I not make a comment about this?
Erin Wasson makes magic.
Reading week was an unproductive as I could possibly make it. Alright, so I'm gonna be hit hard with work this week... what else is new. Finished off my "Reading week" by cozying up by the TV and tuning into the Oscars - and yes, I squealed like a little girl when Rob Pattinson hit the screen (I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEW MOON, OMGGG lol). With all the Christ Brown and Rihanna rumours running wild, you have no idea what I would give to know the TRUTH behind it all. Why do we care so much about the celeb drama? lol. Can hardly help it :\ This week is gonna suck with all the GOOD tv shows on "break"??? or something. WTH! At least I have my top chef finale this wed! holy crow it's going to be amazing! lol. To all a good night :)