Oct 01, 2005 21:23
I have some things id like to say to you.
No, not you or even you. But you.
No one knows who you is except me.
Your beautiful and crazy
young and old. Your smiling at me all of the time.
Even when im when im crying. I feel like ive cried in front of you
a million times. It breaks your heart...
I know. I cant help the moments when i am sad.
Neither can you, but you try to make it better. It shows me that you care.
It shows me that you understand what im going through.
We laugh together, rolling on the ground like we are 12 again.
I didnt know you when i was 12, but had i....im sure thats what it would be like.
We have floated amongst the clouds, whispered our dreams and wishes to the stars. We've danced together, slowly and with stupid grrly joy. we have soared high on the swings of life, and fallen into the infernal holes of pain....together and alone. I know when i call out to you, you wont turn away. Watching the setting sun, driving down the highway of nascar natalie.You must know your effect on me. You must know how much you truly mean to me. In the end, i hope you can say i know she loved me, because i loved her too. When the lights go out in the world i live in, the world you willingly walked into by yourself and holding my hand, I hope you can smile and say it was worth it. You have been my joy, and sunshine. You have been the clouds that come rolling in, the rain that pours on my heart.The rainbow that fills my soul. Do you see how much you have meant to me? There will never be a reason to question your gravitational pull on my wave lengths.So much of me, is all of you. I love to flip through all the moments that make us who we are. I smile with tears filling my eyes, on the happiest and shitties times we have had. You are everything ive wanted you to be, living up to my expectations like a dream. Thank you.
For being you, and letting me be me.
what was once empty is full.
Its amazing feeling that you give me.
You,them,him and her.
Im proud to say i know you. Im touched by the ability to say i love you.