
Jul 07, 2005 18:51

Wow so I last updated when???

WEll I got back from visiting my BESTS LaFace and Hodge Podge in G-ville. Had a crazy time up there. Watching the Pacifier was a little too nutty for me. Not the best movie but it was ok. How tall do you think Vin DIesel is? Just wondering... Then yesterday La and I made some pretty awesome shirts in support of one of our fav. actresses...Jen Aniston. They turned out pretty cute. Then we made some mudslides and margaritas, waited for Mogs, Jul, and Cor and then went DaNcIn'. Soo much fun. THEN today on my way home I was going a little over the speed limit and got a $205.50 ticket. The FHP freakin blows...To make matters worse I can't take traffic school again cuz I already took it this year SOO..I'm screwed.

So I think i'm leaving for N.C. again on Sunday and will be home on the 16th? I DON'T want to go..i'm so sick of being in a car for hours! And it's taking one more week of precious Florida time. I'm getting pretty nervous. I leave for Bama Aug. 5th...too early for me! Well i'm to ya'll later. <- ( that was for Lauren) <3
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