Beware The Ides of March!!!

Mar 15, 2007 10:23

oooooooohhh scary day!
what a great day to have 1/2 Price Preview of my new play!

i haven't posted in awhile, but i have somethings to share:

1) I am one day away from opening a production of "Beautiful Thing" by Jonathan Harvey here in L.A. which I appear in right alongisde none other than LSU's own Mike Tauzin. A little background, Tauzin has always been one of my favorite people to work with. He and I always had great chemistry, and even though our methods differ, we understand each other and work very very well together. I can't tell you how nice it's been to work with someone from the old school again, and how nice it's been to share the stage with Tauzin! I wish ya'll could all come and see it!

2) The major lesson I learned the other day: Coke tastes best in a bottle, Mr. Pibb tastes best from a fountain and Dr. Pepper tastes best in a can. How 'bout that?

3) A great way to change the way things are going for you is to simply and honestly say 'Fuck it' to anything that brings you down. And move on...

4) Have you ever had someone make you feel absolutely giddy and excited and googly-eyed? I forgot what that feels like, until recently...

5) To Kernion: Agassi retired. First off, why didn't we talk about this earlier? Secondly, I was depressed for a while after that. I went to the US Open to see if I could catch a glimpse of him at some pt. I could not. On another note, Christian Montegut is getting married in June and I'm coming home for 2 weeks. We should hang in New Orleans. Maybe play some tennis.

6) It's odd... acting is the only profession I can think of that you have periods of time when others will call you an actor. If you're not working, everyone calls you an aspiring actor. So you gotta take the moments when you ARE working and SHOUT IT FROM THE GODDAMN rooftops!

7) It's mine and Chelsea's year: 07/07/07. And Christina Ross--- she's actually cooler: she's 07/07/07 too, but was born 07/07/77.

8) I'm going to see 300 on The Ides of March. How PERFECT is that?

9) People suck. 2 people, specifically, that I have been EXTREMELY close to over the last 6 years of my life have kind of recently given Nathan a reason to re-think things. And the conclusion I come to is: people are kinda dickheads. Even you're closest friends have priorities that out-rank you that would completely shock and upset you if you became privy to them. Being stepped on sucks. BUT... it is 2007. And the Nate of 2006 would have been fuckin heartbroken. But the 2007 Nate has said 'Fuck it' and washed his hands of the situation. And, to a certain degree, I've washed my hands of these 2 people. Not to the extent that I'm DONE with them, but the ball is now ENTIRELY in their court. The effort is squarely on their shoulders to make the frienships happen again. 2007 has allowed me to be so goddamn carefree it's astounding!

10) Despite the noise and shit, L.A. can be one damned PRETTY city.

11) The Tennis League starts up again! And the SoCal tournament season is right around the corner! Nathan's playin tennis, he gonna whup some ass!!!

12) love, love, love.

13) I don't have anything else to share but I wanted to make it to Post #13 for The Ides of March. So, enough outta me.... have a good one ya'll!
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