Last night I took Dori to
Trapeze School New York, for a surprise lesson in the art of the flying trapeze. She had no idea what we were going to do until we got there; all she knew was that she needed to wear certain tight-fitting and comfortable clothes. She actually thought we were going to do yoga or something like that.
When we got there, she simply freaked out. At first she didn't want to do it ("I can't do trapeze! No! Scary!") but she warmed up to the idea pretty quickly and we had a wonderful time. It was hella fun.
Here's how it went, step by step:
-Each of us climbed up a tall ladder to a platform about 30 feet in the sky.
-We stood in the middle of the platform and reached out to grab the trapeze bar while an instructor held us from behind so that we could lean out farther without falling.
-We grabbed onto the bar and jumped down!
-As we flew, we had to hook our legs up on the bar, and let go with our hands, going through the air suspended upside-down.
-We then caught an instructor's hands and switched trapeze bars, and then fell to the net below.
-Alternatively, we could dismount with a backflip. I think I was pretty good at that part.
Lots of photos
here. Video of our various flights soon to come.