Apr 24, 2002 19:19

GRRRRRRRR! I don't know how to explain how I"m feeling at the moment. Its like I"m totally happy with where Joel and I are at in our relationship and everything is wonderful there. And then it's like things are shitty(sorry for bad word) with me and ashie. I just don't know what to do. It's like I wanted to hang with her more or whatever but then she just thinks I think she is an obligation. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE AT ALL!!!! Can't a girl hang out with her best friend...I mean really! But whatever she can feel that way if she wants everybody has a right to feel how they feel.

Well my mom moved out last week and life has been crappy. I miss her sooooo much! But I saw her today, she took me to lunch. I just wish she was still here and all but I know I will get over it eventially. My dad keeps bringing his girlfriend over and it's sooo lame cause he's not even divorced from my mommy yet and they are seriosly together every night. For example he was all "why don't you invite Joel over for a family dinner"...and sure enough she came over. It's like HELLO THAT BITCH IS NOT PART OF OUR FAMILY!!!! GRRRRRR I hate this situation soooo much! Oh well.

well yes as I said things with me and Joel are GREAT! He is sooo wonderful to me! I just love this sooo much. It's like he's here when I need him and when I want to be by myself or with my friends he totally understands...thanks baby! He is exactly what I needed right now!!!::sigh:: I just wish I got to see him some more...he works an aweful lot...but then again so do I. Oh well!

I'm thinking of taking a semester off from school. I really think I need that time to myself. I mean I might take a few night classes, but I don't think I'm ready to be a full time student yet. I just need to focus on getting my life together and what I want to be and how I'm going to get there. That and I'm not ready to give my job up just yet. I love those kids WAAAAAAY too much. I think I'm going to kidnap them and go to Mexico!! hahaha yeah right like I would go there...I'll just have to take them with me to their parents know I'm going there....hmmmmm I guess I'll have to ponder on this one for awhile....muhahaha....

Well I'm getting a raise in May so that's nifty! and they are going to pay for my mommy and I to go to Newport Beach on her I'm going to be gone the weekend of the 18th...I can't wait! Also they want me to go with them to Hawaii this summer. They would pay for everything...or if I don't want to go with them they would give me a weeks pay and because I wouldn't be working that week I would be able to work at the gym and make more I don't know what I'm going to do yet...both options sound GREAT!! I would love the extra cash and I would also love to go to Hawaii....hmmmmmm.... I've got awhile to ponder on it I guess.

My insurance company is being lame!! They made my insurance go up like $10 a month....grrr that's I have to figure out a new budget...oh well it will be eisier once I get my raise..

Well I think that is all that is new in natty's I will talk to you all later....

love always, natty
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