belly full of thai food

Sep 28, 2007 14:07

it's finally a slow friday afternoon at the job-i-used-to-hate-but-think-is-okay-now. the co-worker who, last month, accused me of being "really accusatory" and "confrontational" and other stuff i don't remember because i was feeling attacked and defenseless by then, has been nice to me lately. so we went out to lunch. maybe it will work out after all? personalities conflict sometimes and maybe if i just let it go and we learn not to rub each other the wrong way so often, we can actually become friends?  or at least people who like eachother somewhat?  if i take a step back, it's actually kind of funny- all these humans walking around, opening their mouths and making noises, then getting so upset about it all.  always seeing everything through the kaleidoscope their genetics and millions of unique experiences combined to create.  until you say something to piss me off- then you're just a douche.

if i sound like i'm psychoanalyzing shit too much, maybe it's because the prof no, faculty err, gail jumped up on the desk last night and blurted, "what's abnormal? is it even ethical to study abnormal psychology?" somehow i'm suddenly a grad student- got myself into the masters in psych program at antioch university last-minute. taking the aforementioned and "family of origin systems". antioch insists you examine your own hang ups with your parents, family culture, ingrained values, wounds, etc. etc. before you even start to study the pathos of others.  seems wise, but it's also a bit touchy-feely.  so evergreeny- no grades, all written evals, small group projects and the like.  both frustrates and challenges me, or challenges me because it frustrates me? hmm.  but i think it will be good.  i was motivated in part by a desire to just fucking start something, go back to school, get on some kind of career path even if it isn't what i'll necessarily do forever. plus my growing dissatisfaction with the medical world and the desire to help people in a way that uses a bit of my intuition. does this mean i'll actually be a therapist someday?  freaky.  for some reason that actually sounds weirder and more far-fetched than thinking i'd be a doctor someday.

san deigo was fun last weekend. nice seeing josh and steven, even though my ego is still bruised from being slaughtered at boggle.  who am i kidding? i knew he'd kick my ass.  next weekend it's to scottsdale az for a training conference and a side-trip to tucson to see my old college pals deanna and mike who are suddenly expecting a baby! wow.

hope everyone is "flexible, coherent, adaptive, energized, stable" (characteristics of a mature mind according to Bernie Siegel)
i like that description actually. IRregardless of what you're going through.

shit- this place i'm going in arizona has 10 swimming pools and 3 waterslides... i'm such a sucker for luxury.
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