Chapter 23.

Dec 10, 2006 11:39

The Christmas Ball is tonight.

I didn't think I'd see another Christmas, quite honestly. Or snow, or anything beyond November, but here I am, alive and well. At least, as alive as I can be versus back home. I suppose the City's good for something, isn't it?

It's bloody cold out, but I don't mind it, really. If you go up to the roof, the view is spectacular. A bit chilly, though; but, a good cup of tea can fix that.

Kitty, you're coming, right? I'd like you to come with me... We should drag Bartimaeus along, too. Might do him some good.

And I'm quite pleased to say that I found something to wear tonight.

I think it might be fun, to take a break from researching. The food sounds good, too.

[ooc; LAWLZ YES. That is Nathaniel's model in a suit. XD]

ball, non-curse event, bartimaeus, kitty, chapter

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