Chapter 57.

Apr 15, 2007 12:12

Another message has appeared on the network. My computer alerted me of it just as I was about to retire from my study for the day, and needless to say, it is as disconcerting as the previous one.

Of course, I feel the need to analyze such a cryptic note. My first thought was that a counterpart to our cerberus could appear within the City. While I'm still working on the main body of the riddle, the last line does intrigue me, and I suspect that it pertains to April 18th. Perhaps something is set to occur at that time...

Or simply, the Countdown has started again. As to what unit of measure the deities are using for the Countdown, one can only assume. Eighteen what?

The first line that discusses the three-headed-dog and time only suggests that it is still a threat to us, but not as of yet.

Turpentine is, in artistic circles, paint remover. Flammable and not advisable to give small children to toy with, but I digress. "Kitty paints another rhyme, claw your eyes with turpentine." They are giving us riddles, and speaking of giving children things to toy with, the deities are toying with us by sending these things out for all to see.

...perhaps a masked threat once again? If we see, if we understand, if we see the 'painting' (hypothetically speaking), are they threatening to blind us from the truth?

Perhaps more research is in order. And once the appearance of this "kitty" occurs, I will have more to work with.

research, the city, big plot, chapter

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