Jan 11, 2007 19:52
The Adventures of Hugh G. Rection continued.......
Hugh sat impatiently since no nibble taking place. The slow rocking of the boat reminded him of a younger, much simpler time when his mother used to rock him to sleep as he chugged the nutricious breast milk his mother found on the side of the road. And how every night she would read him the same story about a dolphin with feet and walked around the streats of Miami looking for some sweedish fish. It was his favorite story in the world. Hugh smiled at the remembrance of the distant memory. Nostalgic and lonely Hugh drifted off to sleep. In little time he found himself ingorged in a wonderful sea adventure. Just like he had always dreamed of. The colors were briliant, with more climax then Jennifer Degl on a Saturday night. He examined his surroundings, as he saw open sea galore and a beautiful sunrise over the horizon. He looked aboard his boat and saw tens of thousands of fish he had already caught. He felt as if he had just won a fibiillionzillion dollars. He went to set his rod back in the water when suddenly he heard a faint noise coming from behind him. Then the noise got louder ...and louder and louder until suddenly "BEEP!" Hugh turned around "wtf??" he looked at the distraction. He caught a glance but did not fully understand what it was. He started to squint until the object came into focus. He suddenly realized it was his old pal Dick the semen seaman! "Dick!" he shouted. Dick smiled and waved. He pulled his boat up next to Hugh and shook Hugh's hand. They began to remenice on the past times and old memoirs. They laughed and laughed until they cried. Then suddenly Dick heard a noise and shushed Hugh with a finger indicating one second. Hugh asked blankly "....what?" and Dick pointed north. Hugh turned around and couldn't believe his eyes. He squinted a little more but was still aghast at the sight, for less then 50 yards away was a 20 ft long 5 ton Sperm whale juggling tennis balls. Dick and Hugh just stared ....They watched the whale for a good 10 minutes until the whale caught glimpse of them and dropped his tennis balls into the water. The whale shouted "my balls!" Then Dick and Hugh got nervous. The whale looked very angry. He marched swam over to the boats at tremendous speed. Hugh and Dick were frightened. When the whale aproached Hugh cringed. "Have you any balls?" the whale asked. Hugh looked at Dick. "I have a few!" said Dick. "Great" said the whale i keep losing mine or breaking them. Sometimes i even just squeeze them too hard and they explode. "thats too bad" said Hugh. Dick reached into his sack and pulled out three balls. He handed them to the Sperm whale. The whale thanked him and swam away. "that was close" said Hugh "i thought we were done for." Dick and Hugh just laughed....until suddenly Hugh felt a shudder and quickly woke up. He shook his head out of his sleep state and asked himself the time. He looked around for a clock but of course did not find one. He looked at his dog Perkins who gave him the finger and looked away. Hugh figured it was just too slow of a day to catch any fish. So he took his rod out of the water and rowed home. When he arrived at his house, he noticed two cars in his driveway. Now who could that be? He walked through the front door and noticed the floor was all wet. He made a constipated face. Then he walked into the kitchen when he saw his wife carolyn with his good friend Dick! Hugh asked "Dick? what are you doing here?" Dick and Carolyn looked at each other. Then Dick proceded to tell Hugh a whole story about how Dick ran into Carolyn at walmart and they looked at milk jugs together. Then she invited him over for dinner but on the way home he saw a blonde sweedish woman in the street lying on the pavement smoking a ciggarette. So Dick swerved out of the way and flew off a bridge and into the water. Hugh laughed at the humorous story. Then they all laughed together and smiled. After a few hours of laughing Carolyn asked "where's Perkins?" Hugh thought for a few seconds. Then gasped, oh shit ..i life her on the boat! Carolyn made an erect face. "You dumb shit!!!"