
Feb 01, 2009 09:53

royal blood

lyrics: 宝野アリカ Takarano Arika
music/arrange: 片倉三起也 Katakura Mikiya
performed by ALI PROJECT

i trace back up the ancestry branches
formed by the blood
that runs through my veins
for an audience with you

聳える城壁 玉座の間に立つ
孤高の裳を引き摺る 横顔
within the towering rampants you stand on the throne
your profile sweeps the skirts of isolation
o, my dearest and proud distant ancestors
please bestow me with your guidance

shards of memories
ah, they pierce my chest

should i choose to sever the flow
or allow blood to run for perpetuity?
i tread the unplotted ascending path
in search of you

未来よ そのとき光は在るか
will there be light in the future
when skyscrapers erect in the grey skies?
o, my dearly beloved distant descendants
shower your love upon this solitude

the words of foretelling
sing in the wake of dreams

流れ 続く
i am the embodiment of an entire kingdom
where all sleep and awaken
and continue to flow within

through the nights of having lost sight of truth
through the dawns of screaming, having lost a place to go
o, my dearest and proud distant fathers
i have surpassed you and now this is where i stand

even if my wings get wounded and come unplucked from battle
even if i be thrusted into the bowels of hell
o, my dearly beloved distant little brothers
i live for your sake

満ちて 続く
my heart is the embodiment of majestic royalty
where all sleep and awaken
and continue to ripen within

or would the title be better translated as, say, "kingly blood/ancestry/lineage/whathaveyou"? i don't like the sound of "relatives"...


and for some thoughtless musical thoughts.

- watched Moulin Rouge the other day (i am so behind the times). i so love the roxanne tango! ...and when i later hunted down the original i was like, "that's it?"

- i clicked on a link of what i thought read "alipro" but was really "anipro". i don't know what anipro has to do with it, but i ended up on a page announcing the release of Fujita Maiko's best album. i was going to dismiss this as just another idol singer cd when i noticed that every track on the album was a theme song to the Hiiro no Kakera games -- now that doesn't sound right.... they usually wouldn't hire idol singers to sing for this sort of games, they'd get either the seiyuu or some anison/game singer for the job. out of curiosity, i checked her out and i'm glad i didn't pass up on her. futari no kare is one lovely album. songs are mostly ballads. her voice reminds me of, ummm.... Suara, maybe? she writes her own songs, which is a big plus with me. hope to hear more from her.

- trying to go through the bulk of c75 releases..... liking absolute castaway's best so far.

KSL live cd turned out much better than i expected...
- 「その場で跳べない人は心で跳んで下さい」 ...man, Rita is soo cool. *_*
- Rin's song sounds wayyy better live -- ok, so it's a recording of the live, but it's definitely much much much better than the cd version. i couldn't help not clapping along to it! i love that shot of Tamiyasu on the lyrics page~
- Lia didn't sound as good as she did on her last dvd. but "natsukage" sure sounds better when she sings it in her usual singing voice.
- I was worried about how Chata would perform... it always makes me nervous when it's my most favourite artists' turn to take the stage, even though i know i'd still love them anyway despite whatever the outcome be... as it turned out her performance was not bad. at times i think she does better than riya. i would love to hear Chatarin cover "uminari" one day. her voice sounded shaky on the dango song... struggling with tears, mayhap?

- please give Tada Aoi original material. you know she does not compare to Lia... i can't believe they're even releasing a single for it. i hope new recording also means new arrange, i can't stand the slow tempo.... ~_~ anyway, looking forward to the duet~
...i still don't understand how Veil is supposed to work.

- just realized there was some sort of tarot(?) puzzle for love solfege''s latest offering.... wonder if it's worth wasting my time solving.

- whyyyy is there no instrumental on the shinai single???

- just when i started to discover the joys of animate tv radios..... ;_;



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