Title : KyuHae Drabble
Characters : KyuHae, Slight ! WonKyu, Slight ! HanChul
Genre : Fluff, Angst ? I have no idea how to classify this
Words :451
Summary : Most Kids Run to their mommys when the thunder come a rolling, But Why Doesn't Donghae, How come he only stares blankly at the pouring rain , rolling thunder and flashes of lighting
A/N : This is Mainly for Constance, You wanted EunHae, I'm Sorry but it turned to a KyuHae drabble, Don't worry i'll try working on the EunHae, and see if i can get some blasted inspiration. Sorry for the typos and Grammatical mistakes, Spots for Miss Fickleminded and Nadster , If you ain't too busy
The rain pattered nosily against the crack in to windowpane that seem to let Droplets of water in every once in a while, Lighting flashed through the sky lighting up the world for a brief second, Followed by the rolling of thunder in the night sky, Some Children, would cower and hide under their blanket waiting for the storm to finish, while others would clutch their mothers craving the protection they could give out.
But Not, Donghae, and energetic Child but would turn silent at sullen when the rain came, He wasn't like other Children whom would run to their mommy’s when the rain, lighting and thunder came, Donghae would sit quietly by the window of his room and gaze out the window eyes filled with Sadness that in the eyes of an 8 year old should not exist.
Kyuhyun gazed worriedly at his nephew, then son to his eccentric brother Heechul and his Husband HanGeng. Though he would not admit it, Kyuhyun loved his nephew though he often hid his affection behind slight scowls and frons not once did he doubt his love he had toward Dongahe and wouldn't hesitate to lay his life for the little one the same could be said for his spouse, A religious man at the age of 26 at 6 feet tall and a strong build named Siwon. Kyuhyun heaved a sigh and gathered his Nephew in his arms but would soon be his son, once the adoption papers were complete.
"Donghae," He said softly a tone he rarely used as he would prefer to scowl and pout. "Are You okay?"
"Is Heechullie and HanGeng Appa, Happy In heaven, where all the angels are?" Donghae asked innocently " Gazing towards the sky expecting the answers from the grey clouds.
"They are, Fishy," Kyuhyun answered quietly, "They're happy,"
"Then why didn't they take me with them ? Don't they love me too ?" Donghae asked sadly , burying his face in Kyuhyuns chest, muffling his voice .
"They Love you, Donghae that's why they left you with me and Siwonnie" Kyuhyun sighed heavily. "They Love you very much, Now don't you forget it, Understand Donghae?" Kyuhyun demanded softy
"Okay, Kyuhyunnie, I understand" Donghae said softly "Can we go and play in the rain?" Donghae said mood brightening immediately.
Kyuhyun chuckled at his son inability to focus on any one subject for too long.
Kyuhyun felt a soft breeze caressing his face, He knew his brother was watching over him and his son, "I'll protect him Hyung Don't you Worry" Kyuhyun whispered and he watched his nephew frolic in the rain splashing water and mud all over himself,
"Don't worry Chul, I'll take care of him"