Title: Coffee
Rating : Pg-13
Characters : Kids ! Eunhyuk , Kid ! Donghae , Kid ! Kyuhyun , slight ! Kangin
Words: 707
Sumary : What Hyperactive kids shouldn't do to coffee
Authors Notes: Part of the 100 drabbles Challenge, Enjoy ! A bit longer than expected but oh well
"What's the brown thing in Appa's coffee cup?"
"I don't know, it seems yucky to me.. " Donghae said pulling a puking face.
"It's Coffee,you morons," Came a reply from behind them.
Donghae and Eunhyuk turned around to see Kyuhyun in his favourite Armchair by the window.
"How would you know?" Eunhyuk asked narrowing his eyes to slits. Looking at thier 4 year old brother warily. Unlke Donghae whom was bouncing in excitment.
"Is it nice to drink !?!?" HE asked, no squealed hurting Kyuhyuns ears.
"It's okay, Kyuhyun said taking a sip from his
baby cup" The murky brown liquid being seen through the plastic.
Kyuhyun set's his cup down and returned to his puzzles which he seemed addicted to,
"You think , Kyu would let us try hiis coffee ? It looks kinda nice" Dongahe whispered.
"You better ask first " his twin answered.
"Kyu, Kyu, can i have some of your coffee? Please?" Donghae pleaded with puppy eyes.
Kyuhyun didn't even look up from his book waving them on to continue" Go ahead, just don't blame me if you don't like it"
"So Yummy !!!" Donghae squealed after taking a sip, "Here Hyukkie try it !!!"Donghae said thrusting the cup into Eunhyuks waiting hands.
"So Yummy ! "He agreed they continues taking sips and gulp from the cup until only a quarter was left from the original volume.
"I think that's enough " Kyuhyun said suddenly grabbing his cup from their hands and marching of while trying to juggle carrying his puzzle book, crayon box and coffee cup into his room.
"I want More, Hyukkie" Donghae whined to his twin.
"Hmmmm, there's always Appa's" Eunhyuk pointed out.
"Ohh let's try his !!!" Donghae said bounding over to the half filled coffee cup their Appa had forgotten to keep.
"Ewww.. His is soo Bitter !!!" Donghae complained,
"Maybe we can add some sugar. "
"Okay !!!" Donghae agreed carrying the coffee cup carefully and placing it on the floor while they wen to get some sugar.
After adding the sugar it tasted nicer but not nice enough for their 6-year old taste buds.
"Hmm can we add some strawberry milk?"
"I think we can put some peaces too !!"
"Hmm , Maybe some of Umma's whipped cream"
"And some of Appa's chocolate."
When they scurried of to find their 'ingrediants' and add them to their Appa's coffee cup, it tasted horrible.
"Blekk !" Eunhyuk spitted out the 'coffee' which surprisingly was still the same colour as before. "It doesn't taste nice, not like Kyu Kyu's" Eunhyuk whined
Donghae tried it and gave the same reaction as Hyukjae.
"I think we should leave the coffee on Appa coffee table? Okay ?"
"I agree with you, Then we'll go and get some more of Kyuhyuns coffee"
As both of them carried the concoction called coffee to the table, their Appa was just coming home from work.
"Quick Hide !" Donghae whispered to Eunhyuk as they dashed into their Umma's room.
Kangin had just come back from work and spotted his Cup of coffe left on the coffe table, he took the cup, ignoring his 4 year old son perched on the breakfast table again at one of his sudoku puzzles. Damn that kid is smart Kangin thought.
"How are the puzzles going?" He asked his youngest son, and his favourite.
"They're easy and i suggest you do not drink the coffee, Eunhyuk and Donghae, were ar it in the kitchen " Kyuhyun answered not even looking at his father.
"Okay " Kangin said sniffing the coffee cautiously 'smells fine to me"Kangin thought, but that was the wrong move the minute the liquid touched his tongue he felt like a puke bomb had gone of in his mouth Spitting the liquid out he rushed to the kitchen sink to wash the fould taste of his tongue.
He barely registered the ' I told you so' From his son perched on the breakfast table.
"EunHyuk ! DongHae !" Kangin yelled looking for his trouble making twin sons.
While Donghae and Eunhyuk cowered under the dining table hiding for all they were worth , Kyuhyun padded next to them and couched down next to them.
"Next time don't mess with Appa's coffe, He's worse than me when i'm cranky." With that Kyuhyun left his brothers to defend themselves from their Appa's wrath.