May 14, 2007 12:00
I've made several drafts but never got to finish to post them. So for all the mommies out there.....Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!
Things are still pretty much hectic, trying to get moved in and unpacked. I still have not done a thing to my room, its still in boxes, seriously. The boys room on the otherhand is really coming along. We have to find some stuff to put on the walls, but we bought their new furniture and bedding and its is just too cute! This is the first room that I have ever got to really decorate for Gavin and for Asa too for that matter. Asa's crib is still in my room and probably will stay that way for a bit longer, I like him being close to me, plus he usually gets up to come over in my bed in the middle of the night. I love to snuggle with my babies.
We are so glad to be here in Lexington, we absolutley love it!!!! We are trying to find the right preschool to send Gavin too. Our insurance only covers about 3 outpatient visits for therapy so I don't know what to do about that. I feel so angry about it all, Gavin with therapy could do very well but without it, he won't reach potiential and might get worse. He doesn't qaulify for first steps, where he could get all the therapy he needs, for free but they don't consider asperger's a risk.
On a brighter note, we scheduled our next trip to Disney World, we are going the day after Christmas for a couple of days, its should be awesome all decked out for the holiday. We are staying at the contemporary resort with the monorail, Gavin should love that! We have all wanted to go back to DW since we left there, its soo awesome there. I just hope this trip will be as fun as last time.
Okay, I am going to post some pics of the boys room, as it comes along so far.