
Mar 19, 2010 05:12

I really love my field work....cannot explain it in words but I'm in my element out there with the wildlife at night.

A short version for those of you who are interested.

Usually I start my night after dark, possums are nocturnal and dont come out until about 8pm. Some nights I drive in earlier than dark to set traps, around dusk. I drive towards Brisbane CBD along the M3 motorway. The city lights are contrasted with the black wings of many flying foxes soaring across the sky in their hundreds, diving and dipping in the sky. Once I set the traps I wait for the possums to come out into the night sky. As it darkens ringtails and brushtails slowly start to appear. Nocturnal birds such as tawny frogmouths are still not out it seems, or they are huddled in their roosting spots.

As the night progresses more and more animals come out until a peak at about 2-3am. The nocturnal birds are out in full force, often I see tawnys swoop down to pick up insects or see an owl with a rat or small bird in its talons...sometimes feeding. After about 10pm whenever I step out of the car I am surrounded by the high pitched shrills and sonar calls of many many microbats. It is so beautiful beyond words....The city is quiet late at night and the microbats make it just perfect. Flying foxes feed in many of the fruiting trees, fighting over fruit and taking flight or landing.

At about 3am it starts to quieten down, all the nocturnal animals start to head to their resting places. I check traps througout the night letting anything go which is not my target. Lately I have been catching so many possums its unbelieveable. They have gotten to the point of just knowing there is food there, getting trapped and then when I let them out they just wander out of the trap and walk along the nearest fence or up the tree, seemingly stress free.

I really love being in the field more than anything I've ever done in my life. It makes everything so meaningful. I am so passionate about wildlife I am bursting with excitement when I'm out. Tonight I came back home to get the spotlight battery as I had forgotten it, I had gone into the city for 6pm to wait for a possum to come out as it has been horrible to evict and they have no idea where it is getting out. I layed on the couch for an hour, it was so hard to get up and go out because I was so tired. But once out I am fine, happy, loving every minute of it, loving the animals that have adapted so well to human settlement. I imagine how much of this people actually do not realise is there. How many people miss all these wonderful animals because they are sleeping.

I feel so lucky

I wont even start to go into the animal behaviour I see and the funny things they do, almost nightly I see something funny.

This evening when I waited for the possum and had sushi for dinner with Brian from PTPM we both admired two brushtails that came out of the building and saunted off on their nightly activities. Both of us gushed at how cute they were and it was just a special moment for both of us to see the animals, even if they are a common species. It really is lovely to see them doing what they do without interuption....

On a good note I captured two of the study animals I'm finished with, removed their collars alone and unaided. I'm really getting good at handling possums, the 2nd one, Cleopatra was a bit of a handful but I managed fine. I try to put my hands on them and rub them first when they are in the bag to let them know I'm there and I'm gentle. Half the time they dont even need any restraint at all and just sit there while I undo the collar. Calm, soft and gentle works wonders with these animals. They really are special

Brushtail possums have changed me as a person, it sounds really strange but I think they have made me realise I can do anything I put my mind to. Treating them with respect and compassion is needed and I think this can be transferred to people and life in general. Sorry about the deep and meaningfuls but this is my life now. I think I'm in love with possums, actually I know I'm in love. I really owe them so much for teaching me so much about life.
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