(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 23:15

well been very busy.... probably the reason why i stopped writing on here.

Update on life:

Honours - still being prepared and methods written up, ethics getting there, still working on what we are doing, radio collars being sorted etc etc. I'm freaking out because it seems all so hard.

Horse - Probably being moved the weekend after next to go to Marks for breaking (finally) My horse looks fucking FANTASTIC atm, she is as fat as mud and just looks really good, once moved to Marks I'll get some pics. She has a winter coat and looks shaggy but the weight she has on her is really really good and has filled her out alot. So glad I waited to have her broken so she could put on some weight. She was such a bitch for the farrier last week.....

Possums - Lots and lots of possums have come in and out of the door. Got 4 ringtails and my gliders atm, the ringtails are temporarily with me. One lot is a adult female with two back riding young, not sure why mum is sick but im feeding her milk atm to build her up and she is eating leaf and grooming (she came in today) The other little ringtail i am caring for is tiny tiny tiny, she was with a vet nurse for two weeks and when we got her she was really poor, under weight, covered in dried milk, it breaks my heart. she has put on 10 grams in the last week and is starting finally to get better. Had carer issues and now have a bad reputation :) Gota love being a register head sometimes. I do my job and people cant take it but I'm proud of myself for standing up for what I believe in so passionatly and doing what is right for the animals. Even if my reputation is "out of control little young wipper snapper of barely 20" LOL :)

Cats - Little brats as per usual but I love them. Virus is a vocal little turd and bane is a sook. I'm going to go to bed and cuddle them now.

Anyway not much else really happening atm, Nettie is leaving though so I am throwing a BBQ for her this Sunday so if any of you know her and want to come feel free.
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