Mental constipation

Feb 11, 2008 21:44

I'm going insaneeeeee. I've been on the computer since like 5 eventhough i know i should be studying so i'm "studying" biology now and the nervous system is getting on my nerves (no pun intended). Gah gah gah! Stupid neurones stupid grey matter white matter axons and dendrons driving me up the wall. I would so type kanina a billion types now but i'm really cutting down on my cuss-count-per-day and i feel the need to put dashes-everywhere. I think idiot pilot is not the best music to listen to whilst studying... i feel the need to jump and yell. My mind is constipated. I try to think of something and then all there is is a block. MENTAL BLOCK, MENTAL CONSTIPATION.

Ma: you missed the grammy's! it started at 8 yknow!
Me: grammy's are not important
Ma: it' good that you think that way, studying aye?
Me: hahaha no, on the computer hahahah
Ma: bloody fool!

Mental retardation la. I'm retarded today. I can't think!!! Oh ya, i wonder if ben went for the grammy's... lucky monkey is in l.a now for the weekend because he lives in the US. Nyeh. Ok now i need to go take some brain laxatives. Go yell and headbang to idiot pilot.

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