Chelsea: "Are they...speaking English?" Me: "No, they only speak Jazz..."

Apr 02, 2005 05:00

I speaketh to you from the casa de la CHELSEA. But we'll get to HER later... Watched more of 'The Motorcycle Diaries' in SS - the guy who is supposed to be a young communist-person is hot, but the real person? Not so much, no... Poetry in LA. Then ASSEMBLY. DIVERSITY assembly, actually! It was pretty damn cool. They had people (WEI WEI!) from all different countries. They were all really, really awesome. The people sitting behind us, though, were talking the WHOLE TIME; and all they did was insult everyone who performed. ARGH. The administrator people formally apologized for the Taylor incident and said that they 'never meant for anyone to be embarrassed' and that a banana-eating contest 'probably wasn't a good idea'. Gee, ya think? God. What complete and utter tards. There was a sub in orch, so Shundan and many others departed. Me and Chelsea stayed with Ian, Delvin and Channing because...we're just that cool. Me and Chelsea were gonna pretend to have rabies/broken limbs and not play, then Ian and Delvin were playing cards, and Channing was all, "I am NOT going to be the ONLY one PLAYING!" (glares pointedly at us) So Ian, Delvypoo (hahaha) and I got our cellos. Chelsea did not. I HOPE this makes Channing a little KINDER to me...after all, I showed my support and whatnot...but probably not. Aaanyway. So we played...and pretty much sucked. Ian and cohorts departed temporarily to investigate a marvelously good smell which had integrated the orchestra room, and when I turned around again shortly after that...Chelsea miraculously had a cello and a stand, complete with music. I thought, "Yay, Chelsea decided to play! I didn't notice her get her stuff! Oh well." Ian returns, and goes, "HEY! You took my stand! CELLO!" Chelsea grins and hugs the cello. "C'mon, give it back..." Ian coaxed, but Chelsea didn't move, and YOU KNOW WHAT? IAN PICKED UP A DIFFERENT CELLO. Whoa. I laughed and silently thought, "YESSSS. Score one for nameless freshmen." Chelsea has my eternal respect for stealing Ian's belongings and getting away with it. He probably would've beaten me to a pulp via bow if I had attempted any such manuever...grrr.

Chilled with Myka in the library during Math. And with Jade in that same location during Health. ARRRGH. BJ and cronies (Ariel and Jeremy) will NOT LEAVE ME ALONE. Ok, so yesterday, I thought I did Jeremy a kind favor by writing his name all prettily for him (SOMEONE needs to come out of the closet) but now, the infamous three harrasses me and sorta Jade to no end. We finally escaped to the haven (well, comparatively) of the main office. After school, I had to go home for a while...then Myka and Chelsea swooped by and picked me up, and it was off to Chelsea's! God, I don't even RECALL all the stuff we've done since then...for a while, we went to Bell Square...Chelsea got jeans and shirts, which she desperately needed. WE FOUND THE PANTS. We're going to have a Sisterhood of our own this summer...haha, but of course. We chanted "Little fatty lard cake!" at the types who deserved it. But between returning and now (it's 5 AM, in case you hadn't noticed...) I have NO CLUE how we've entertained ourselves. Lots of Muffin and Big Bunny and Making Fiends videos, and Rathergood, as well. We each read a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book to study up. Oh, and we played those fortune-telling card games...heh The results were pretty cool. We're going to write an epic tale based upon them. But basically we have bonded mucho and had a damn good time. I love Chelsypoo and Meekins. :) Truly they are a part of me. And Chel-chel is TOTALLY over her no-physical-contact thing...let it be known...
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