Despite I slept just 4 hours it was a decent day untill I got work. I spent the first 40 minutes at work listening to my coworker complaining about everything and talking about he didn't want come to work today. I really can't understand people in this fucking country. He got better position and salary but he just complain about every single tasj he has to do now... and I have to hear all his QQ every day. Annoying as hell.
And he keeps that stupid attitude trying to act like sales manager does. He is a very quiet guy but since he was moved to my office he started to talk very loudy at phone... same than sales manager does. I told him today, is there in your corner any acustic issue wich make ppl talk so loudy at phone as sales manager does? he replied " oh ... ha ha no.... but I can't hear well maybe bad signal here." so I said "well, that is curious since I heard from here all that the guy was saying to you
I had to put headphones on to not hear all his complaining and his ugly music he listen to without headphone like if he is alone in the office
In the other hand he got upset because I was doing some important quote and I didn't stop doing this to do his work wich he still doesn't learn to do. I said to him I was very delayed with my quote because Technical Service tooks 10 days to enter the data in the system... not my fault.