Yesterday was a long day at work, I did at least 20 Quotations or maybe more. I dind't eat nothing during the day, just had 3 or 4 lattes because I was not hungry.
I was in bad mood, tired, emo because Michael, frustrated and overworked. When I got home I did my workout. Bad idea do it without get food all day long, was Legs day and very hard, but I finish it even when I felt a little weak. I need go back to my healthy food or I will not be able to keep my workout.
I found a way to can do so some exercise while I'm sitting in the desk all those hours in my work.
Now that I started to change my mind about feelings I feel better and I can put focus again in my projects. I don't know what happens this week but I sold many things and it's just Tuesday!
To do List this week
- Look for new flat
- Post new products
- Finish website from Chile
- Schedule publications about new products for all the week on facebook
- Publish my forniture to sell
- Design website for my boss
- Pick make up
- Go to the notary