May 18, 2018 21:01
Two weeks ago I got an email from a lady who saw a design work that I did for a company and she liked it. She told me about her project abd she wanted a new logo and business folder. I analized the info and replied to her with some options and prices. I started to work with the logo while she collects the info to make the folder so yesterday I sent to her 3 different logos. As usual after send a design to a customer I got in panic, thinking that she wont like any of those logos, that I would have hard time trying to represent the concept in a logo and I'll need forever to get it. The concept that she wants to represent isn't easy and it's something abstract and of course she had not any idea or suggestion of how she wanted the logo to be.
This afternoon she replied to me. Fortunately she liked the first logo I draw, and we will try a variation on it. She also liked the other concepts that I tried to express with the logo. It's a win, I'm happy :)