Again I didn't have enough sleep last night, anyway this morning i felt great. Sadly day at work was hard and I got home a lil later.
i took my BBG guide and looked the exercises..this looked like it will hurt... so much
So much jumps... sumo jump squats, burpess, jump lunges and weight in most of the exercises... and skipping!!!! ok skipping no way to do it at night in a flat if you want your neighbors don't hate you
I did all the rest of the routine for today streching my muscles time to time and after finish it. So far my legs are tired but not pain, let's see what happens tomorrow. I'm a little afraid of this second month of the BBG, seems really hard so I need to eat better to get more energy. If I see that I'm not able to train so hard then I will go back to first month. Not sense hurt my muscles and need stop to heal it. I don't want stop my workout, I don't care if I'm tired, I get my period, if it's hot or cold. I'm going to finish the BBG 1 and also I will do the BBG 2
I did a mistake tonight... I drank coffee because I was sleepy playing some games with Mike, and now I will not be able to sleep