I uploaded 102 photos to snapfish and only paid $4.50 for them. After visiting danE's sister's apartment, I realized there are too few photos of us in our own house - meaning, there are none. I hope to rectify the situation. I'm also expecting to have tons more photos printed after we come home from the lake house in Oregon at the end of the month. yeah, we're going with my family, though in different cars because we want to explore Crater Lake, Portland, and Corvallis alone, and I don't want to be a passenger in the backseat of my sister's new car because she's the worst driver of the century. She's 25 but drives like an old granny - when she went to test drive it, she kept freaking out over the fact that the headrests were kind of big and hard to see around. Suck it up! She got her permit when she was 21 and her license a week later. She technically failed both, but both times the instructor pitied her and passed her anyway. I don't think she's ever driven on the freeway. As my little sister said,
"tina is mobile. watch out Fremont, shes coming, shes coming, shes coming, shes coming...shes coming to get YOU!!!!!!
and she hates the way I drive.
anyway, back to the photos -
sorry for the inconsistencies in sizing, but some are smaller and some are HUGE. I would try to fix it for the third time but frankly, I am sick of looking at them. It took me all day yesterday to go through the thousands of photos I've accumulated since being with danE, fix them, upload them.
e in reno way back in december
fun at michaels. the mustache looks so, so wrong. the other night I had a dream that I was a boy and danE dreamt he was a girl. we tend to have synchronized dreams a lot.
I think that was a t-shirt.
those are bananas. there's some really funny video of this. we were baked out of our minds at the time!
my father's 60th birthday party, when they were lighting the candles - which explains the red light. danE hates my photo because he thinks that's what I'll look like when I'm dead. he's been thinking about death a lot lately.
I know this is inappropriate, but it's kind of amazing what ONE piece of electrical tape can do to a person.
I'm going to start getting my photos printed out more regularly. jeez.
My high school's 5 year reunion is next week and the deadline to buy tickets is today. Only two people I know are going. Tickets are $40 a head and they don't even have an open bar. I'm wondering if that will be saved for our 10 year reunion, or if it's because the girl who's putting it together is super, super Mormon. I was talking to a high school friend via Myspace and she pointed out that the need for reunions have been obliterated, thanks to Myspace. Now we can all keep in touch and spy on each other. The Internet prevails once again. And 5 years isn't really enough time to find out who has become wildly successful or who gave birth to the ugliest baby. Those with babies now are the same fools who had babies back in high school.
We had an out of control mouse problem, to the point where I was catching 5 or 6 a day, and I started re-using traps (with gloves, of course) because we were spending $10 a day on traps. I thought the blood on the traps would deter other mice from getting caught but apparently not. I think it turns them on.
I have an interview for a real live JOB next week so I'm shopping this weekend for appropriate clothes. I'm scared because mostly, I feel grossly unqualified. I'm also dieting again, which means I seriously watch what I eat, because these nagging extra pounds just won't GO.
erm that is all. I think.
edit p.s.: I knew there was something else. am I the last person to jump on this
mimi in NY blog that is so incredibly fabulous? She's British, a Cambridge graduate, and an illegal immigrant living in New York, working as a stripper. Her writing is spot-on. I found her via
petite anglaise, whom I randomly found via google during my senior year of college when I was researching for French terms of affection for a story I was writing. anyway I am seriously, seriously in love with this mimi girl.