Mar 16, 2005 21:51
Hello, how's everyone doing? That's good, i'm doing good. I got a couple new things to talk about so i'll get started:
1) I'm back at school now, after taking a 3 month hiatus after leaving Drexel U. I'm taking Intro to Sociology (very interesting class, & my professor's name is Dr. Swift. AND he's black and bald! LIKE ME! YES!), French 1 (easy grade), and Intro to Comp & Info Systems (my new major, for now.). I've discovered two things while at Kingsborough Community College: girls at community college are HOT, but not necessarily dumb; and it seems that KCC is the hangout for Xavier graduate losers. I met a couple cats from Xavier there. But yeah, i'm finally getting back into school mode. It's just a bitch getting there every morning and coming home. There are also a couple puerto rican girls who kinda look to me for help in french class. And they're hot of course, but idk. I'm not stayin there long so i'm not gonna holler. Gotta focus on schoolwork. I've had my fun already, i gotta focus. BTW, i've decided that i'm going to go out with a hispanic girl and marry an indian girl. We'll see how long that lasts...
2) The boys came down for break, which was cool. Rick told me about his new homegirl. I'm really happy for him. Good things deserve to happen to good people. As much as i HATE Rick sometimes, i hope all this works out for him. Go get it son!
Alex's 20th birthday is on friday. Damn, we're all turning 20 this year. It's crazy how we're all growing up so fast. In a few years, we'll all be chillin at my house havin drinks and our kids will be in the basement playing PS4 and Xbox 3 or whatever. Rick's kid will be on the phone tryin to holla at a girl, Alex's kid will be wishing he could do the same, my kid and Tristan's kid will be fighting as usual (oh god, tristan...i got a couple thoughts about him. Coming up next.) John's kid prolly won't exist yet and Travis' kid prolly won't be hanging out with us. Anyway, we're all getting older and it's kinda scary. I don't wanna grow up I wanna be a Toys-R-Us kid. I just hope that when we're all grown up that we're all happy.
3) OK now, I've got a couple thoughts on Mr. King. Tristan may just be the weirdest person i've ever been friends with. And strangely enough, he's one of my best friends. One of my brothers, if you will. I always refer to him as one of my brothers (Rick, Alex, John, and Travis being the other 4) and i think that i am one of this guy's closest friends. I believe that I've known him the longest of his current friends, although i could be wrong. The point is that we go WAY back. OK, now that i've gotten that out of the way i need to vent about a couple things. That one time when i slept over by him and i had to fend for myself for food and shelter pissed me off to no end. All of the times he's slept over my house and i've provided him with whatever he needed including, but not limited to, a warm bed and hot food, and he puts me on the floor of his room w/o even a blanket. Maybe shit is different in his household, but i guess i was wrong to assume that he'd give me at least a blanket, bread, and water.
Now, idk whether or not he was joking about this or not, but we were having a discussion about Petal's upcoming sweet sixteen and he said that he might not be able to make it. I asked him why and he said that Anime Boston is the same day as the party. Now i'm not saying that there's a gun to any of you guy's heads about coming to Petal's party, but I mean, it's Petal for goodness sake. Petal has looked up to Tristan for as long as she's known him. She fiends to go over to his house and watch the anime he has on his comp. He knows this too. Now again, i'm not sure if he was joking or not, when i asked him if he was, he changed the topic and then the convo died. If he wants to go to Anime Boston instead of Petal's Sweet Sixteen, that's fine. He's a grown ass man and he can do whatever he wants. I just hope he's able to face Petal about it when she asks.
Now i'd continue to go on about my commenting to a certain entry of his but my point is this: I really honestly love Tristan. I'll always consider him a brother. But it kills me that he doesn't show me that love back. I support Tristan in everything he does, and i get negative shit from him about it. Especially his dancing and how he didn't make Fusion/Vybes/whatever it was. This is what kills me about him. It's what pisses me off about him. And time and time i keep coming back to talk to him, because he's a brother to me. Just the same if i was mad at John or Alex, I'd do the same. Life is about giving and taking. Tristan does more taking than giving. This might be the reason that he has so many problems with people. I'm saying all this, Tristan, in the hopes that you understand why it is that i'm sometimes most times upset with you. Lately, i expect this kind of stuff from you and i stopped getting mad and i start getting more disappointed. I'm not telling you to change, i have no place to tell you to do that. I'm just giving you my side, and i'm open to hear your side and any thoughts you may have on me and see if shit can get better. If you want shit to get better. Tristan, i love you man, and i only wish the best for you.
Well, i'm kinda done here. I'll holla, lata.