Mm Food.

Jul 05, 2006 15:13

Cooking my specialty Michelle's Beefy Pasta Skillet today. My parents are being lazy, so I get the job of making the food for tonight.

So yeah, just browning the meat right now. It takes a bit of prep. Dicing the onions, browning the meat, then mixing them together and cooking until the onion pieces become transparent. Maybe add a little of the Worcestershire into the meat while its cooking.

The meat seemed to caramelize to the bottom of the pan again, damned erratic elements on the stove. They've been overheating a little too much lately, sort of freaking out randomly. It's vaguely annoying.

Just watching the meat now, its browning nicely after that freak out over the browning at the bottom of the pan. Its all good. I can make anything taste good. >_>

Just gotta add the soups and stuff now! Yes, I feel that giving you a blow-by-blow of my cooking is necessary. I've already burned myself five times. I rock so much :D

I'm also a messy cooker. The whole small little kitchen I have right here looks like someone hit it with a machete, a wind machine and a stink bomb. Yeah, I'm just THAT good. Pieces of onion litter the floor like fallen vegetable soldiers, tomato soup decorates the wall like the blood of the aforementioned vegetable soldiers...

Man, I need to channel my imagination other places than the kitchen >_> I don't think I can handle cleaning up more dead vegetable pieces and bits of meat.

Ugh, not to mention cleaning the dishes >_


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