
Jul 15, 2014 19:48

I wrote a big long post on Facebook to commemorate Matthew, who passed away a couple days ago. That's some real weird shit, to lose a close friend for the first time. I'm shocked, but I guess I'm not really surprised, and I don't know how that makes me feel. He was a great guy, but he was so very troubled at the same time. I wish it could have been better for him, but he just didn't really want traditional things, and he resisted all efforts to put him in a traditional place. I don't know if that even makes sense, but, I tried to help him, and I'm glad I don't really have any regrets in that regard.

The funeral was yesterday, and today I'm on a plane to go to California for work and vacation. It was a really emotionally raw weekend, but, despite the grief, it was good to see people and be real and share our thoughts and feelings with one another. Most people just don't convey to one another their true thoughts and feelings, thoughts of admiration and love and respect, so we usually let life pass by with all of these things left unsaid. It was good to break that cycle, at least temporarily, and I think it's led to a lot of self introspection amongst all who knew him.

His loss is a terrible tragedy, but he really left a mark on all of us, it seems. Last night after the funeral a lot of people met up in Smyrna and we celebrated as he would and had a great time. One of his sisters remarked that once, when she was in Vegas, she and her friends adopted the motto of, What Would Matthew Do? I think this motto could lead you on a lot of adventure that you wouldn't have dared otherwise.

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