Apr 13, 2009 12:07
I figure I also might as well post non-meathead things while I'm updating today.
The anniversary celebration was awesome. We got a swanky upgrade at the Georgian Terrace to the 18th floor, and closed down Canoe that night. Had some amazing fancy cheeses, Andrea got stuffed duck and I had roasted pheasant. Also went on a sugar bender with our wedding cake recreation that was oh-so-rich. We spent the next day in Atlanta being cool, then went to the in-laws to pick up the dog.
After that, things didn't really turn out as well as I'd hoped. On Sunday night Andrea's body decided that it had had enough and she got really sick. A sinus infection turned into a worse sinus infection which in turned triggered a migraine which lasted the entire week. So instead of going to the lake, we camped out there for the week. Andrea feeling terrible aside, it actually was pretty nice to not to have to worry about food and taking care of the dog, as well as pretty much being free of any responsibility whatsoever. Plus Sherry pampers her a lot better than I can, so that definitely made me feel better. I hated to see her in bed the entire week with a terrible headache, but at the same time we learned some lessons and she actually got to recover without having to worry about going to work. Lesson one: when you get a sinus infection, go to the damn doctor.
After living in a clean house for a week, I've also been inspired to clean our apartment, cause damn it is messy around here. Over the next couple weeks I am actually going to get rid of our junk instead of put it in boxes, and have the American Kidney Foundation come pick it up. I'm sure I could sell some of it for money, but it'd be a hassle and I just want everything gone.
So there you go. Foolish, foolish suckah.